Stage Names

Why use a stage name?

I’ve recently been intrigued by stage names and thought I would do a blog with my opinion on why they are used and how it helps a solo performer interact better with the audience.

As I am a solo performer myself I have been finding it difficult the past couple of months to be able to get on stage and be in a position where I am comfortable when performing in front of a crowd, but I’ve started thinking about stage names and how they can turn you in to a different person when on stage. A stage name can help you to become a completely different person when performing and I think its because you begin to act like your someone else so its almost like playing a part in a musical by becoming your character but your can audience still know your real name as well as your stage name.

I started to wonder about how it can help you to gain confidence when performing because you introduce yourself as your stage name and straight away you start becoming that different person. I think it also gives you a different personality because you can act differently performing under your stage name than how you would normally under your own name, also not using a serious name helps you feel relaxed on stage.

To me its almost like a mind game as you trick your brain into thinking your someone else so you act in a different way.
